At Baylor University, our commitment to community extends beyond the classroom and into times of crisis. We recognize that in the face of disaster, our collective strength lies in thoughtful and responsible action. As a vibrant educational institution, we understand the importance of supporting those in need while respecting the expertise of trained first responders. Together, we can provide meaningful assistance, whether through prayer, raising awareness, or mobilizing when the time is right. Here’s how we can all contribute to the healing and recovery process:
Pray. Stay. Raise. Go.
- We pray for those impacted
- We stay put and let those who are trained and qualified to first respond
- We raise awareness and funds that support those on the front lines
- We go when it is safe and stable for our volunteers to helpfully serve
As Baylor University faculty, staff, and students, we are not equipped to be first responders. We know that is not our role as members of an educational institution. We are here to serve and support within our abilities and resources. This is our work to do and we are doing something. And we will go when we can.